Please keep in mind these important points for members renewing their ActiveRewards plan:
If members did not redeem their credits on or before the end of their plan date, they will have 90 days to sign in and redeem their credits online.
- ActiveRewards credits/dollars DO NOT rollover from plan year to plan year.
- If members did not redeem their credits on or before the end of their plan date, they will have 90 days to sign in and redeem their credits online.
- For example, if a member logged into their account on January 1, 2018, a countdown clock started to indicate there are 90 days from that day to redeem their credits online.
- After 90 days, members will have 30 additional days to redeem them through our customer service department by calling the phone number on the back of their member card.
New Missions in 2018
New missions have been developed with a targeted release date of 1/1/18.
Financial - Cook more at home, make coffee or tea at home, bring your lunch to work, track your spending, say "no" to impulse purchases, save $3 a day, make a grocery list before shopping, spend on experiences instead of things
Dental - Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once per day, wear your retainer or night guard
Eat Well - Eat slowly, eat until you're 80 percent full, track how much sugar you consume, stand up every hour, complete a two-minute workout
Alcohol Related - Drink in moderation.
Reduce Stress - One hour without screens, meditate mindfully for 5/10/20 minutes, breathe deeply, take a hike, participate in a social or group activity