If your Medicare eligible employees enjoy being active--or if they’re looking to develop a healthier lifestyle—our Medicare Advantage Plans offer a program that includes a physical fitness benefit. Our nationwide Silver&Fit program gives Medicare Advantage members access to fitness centers and gyms for a low $25 annual fee.
They can search for participating facilities at
MyUniveraMedicare.com/SilverFit If they don’t see their fitness club of choice listed, Silver&Fit will reimburse the member up to $150 annually towards a membership at any qualified facility.
Silver&Fit also offers an in-home fitness benefit for those who prefer to workout at home. Members can receive a Silver&Fit Home Fitness Kit to exercise in the comfort of their own home. For just $10, members can choose two kits per year. They can choose Pilates, Yoga, walking, Tai Chi, stress management, and even water aerobics.