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December Wellbeing Tip: Where To Go For Care

Understanding where to go for medical care before you need it can help you and your employees minimize frustration, time, and cost. Your primary care provider should be your first choice for routine medical care or minor illnesses or injuries that are not an emergency. A primary care provider cares for many health needs and is a champion for the health of you and your employees. Primary care providers can be pediatricians (for children), family doctors, nurse practitioners, internists, or obstetrician-gynecologists. Everyone should have a primary care provider who they see regularly.

Many medical offices now offer telehealth for common illnesses and follow-up care. Telehealth is just like any other scheduled appointment with your doctor. Instead of going into the doctor’s office, you both conduct the visit through phone or video connection.

Telemedicine is an option for minor medical or behavioral health needs when your primary care provider is not available, or you are out of town. Telemedicine, provided by MDLIVE®, gives you fast and convenient access to a doctor 24/7/365 using a phone, tablet, or computer.

If your primary care provider is not available and you prefer to see a doctor in person for non-life-threatening medical issues, you can visit an urgent care center. You and your employees can find an urgent care center near you using the Find a Doctor tool on our website:

For life-threatening conditions, such as symptoms of heart attack (severe chest pain) or stroke (numbness, sudden loss of vision or difficulty talking), uncontrollable bleeding, poisoning or suicidal thoughts, call 911 for help or have someone drive you to the emergency room.

Share the Finding Care Toolkit (ZIP) with your employees so they can better understand the different options for finding care.

Download The Finding Care Toolkit (ZIP)


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