Dental Rewards is a unique program to the market. We offer families an annual reward for getting dental exams and cleanings.
Claiming rewards is easy. Members simply provide us with proof that they received the services and their rewards amount will be mailed to them. It’s that easy.
Small Group
We offer families an annual reward of $200* for getting dental exams and cleanings.
Dental Rewards is included in all Univera Access medical plans.
*Dental Rewards payment is $100 for the subscriber. An additional $100 can be claimed by the subscriber’s spouse.
Large Group
We offer families an annual reward of $300** for getting dental exams and cleanings.
To quote Dental Rewards, contact your Account Manager today.
**Dental Rewards payment is $100 for the subscriber. An additional $100 can be claimed for up to two additional members, for a total of $300 per contact.
For more information, please contact your Broker or Account Services Representative.