Getting to the pharmacy to pick up maintenance medications to treat chronic conditions is easier for some people than for others. That’s especially true in the cold weather months when roads and walkways can be snowy and treacherous, making staying home much more appealing than heading out to the pharmacy. Receiving maintenance medication via home delivery is a very attractive option, and having automatic refills is better still.
“Prescription home delivery is reliable and convenient, and it can improve medication adherence,” said Richard Vienne, D.O., Univera Healthcare vice president and chief medical officer.
Medication adherence is the fancy way of saying that you take your medications as directed. Sticking to a medication schedule and avoiding any interruptions is especially important for people living with chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes.
“When prescription medications are taken as directed, health outcomes are improved, chronic conditions are managed, and lives are saved,” said Vienne. “In good weather and bad, medication adherence can make all the difference when it comes to achieving a positive health outcome or maintaining the best possible quality of life.”
Learn More About Home Delivery Pharmacy Options
Nearly three out of 10 upstate New York adults who take a prescription medication have used home delivery when getting their prescriptions filled, and 94 percent of home delivery users were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with their experience, according to a survey commissioned by Univera Healthcare. According to Vienne, the dispensing pharmacy still runs computer system checks for drug interactions, and medications are delivered on time and packaged for protection from the winter cold and summer heat.
Patients who sign up for home delivery still have the opportunity to interact with a pharmacist. By law, each prescription that is delivered must be accompanied by a phone number where a licensed pharmacist can be reached.
“Prescription home delivery can be a hassle free way to get the medications you need when you don’t feel safe heading out into the winter weather,” said Stephen R. Giroux, RPh., owner of Middleport Family Health Center, Wurlitzer Family Pharmacy, Summit Park Pharmacy, Transit Hill Pharmacy, Rosenkrans Pharmacy and Oakfield Family Pharmacy. “The first step to investigate prescription home delivery of maintenance medications is to ask your local pharmacist or health insurer about any programs they may offer, such as free home delivery or special packaging to help organize medications to further improve adherence.”